At Tech Ninja Masters, we use an Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach to our engagements whether is it coaching, consulting, or training. We believe that a positive approach to our work invokes lasting positive changes in a person, organization, or communities. There are five stages to the AI process.
- Definition – \”What is the focus of the inquiry?\” – Clarifying
- Discovery – \”What gives life?\” (the best of what is) – Appreciating
- Dream – \”What might be?\” – Envisioning Results
- Design – \”What should be – the ideal?\” – Co-constructing
- Destiny – \”How to empoyer, learn and adjust/improvise?\” – Sustaining
Cooperrider, D., & Whitney, D. (2005). Appreciative inquiry: A positive revolution in change. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
If you are looking to engage with us, plesae contact me at I look forward to working with you.