Hello, I am DrM, founder of techninjamasters.com. I have been working, learning, teaching, coaching, consulting, writing, and creating innovative products, technologies, curriculum, techniques, processes, and more for over 40 years. I consider myself an \”old school\” techie, one who can code but is also able to design, implement, and administer computers, mobile devices, and networks among various other technologies. I also have a deep understanding of cybersecurity. I have a deep understanding of the cyber world.
I have a depth and breadth of digital and technology experience that I have developed over the last 40 years that I want to pay forward to you.
I owned my first computer, the TI-994A in the 1980s and owned PCs with the 8088, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, and above architectures. I learned to program Basic as a kid. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Florida Institute of Technology. My graduating class size was 20. We were able to work on innovative technology projects as undergraduates.

I also learned the programming languages Fortran, C, C++, Pascal, Java, PHP, Python, among others over the years. I know both Windows and Linux operating systems. I grew up in Unix/Linux. I have worked with both structured and object-oriented languages. I am always on the lookout for the newest languages.

But, not only that, I had the privilege to serve this country in the black world for four years and worked on secret aircraft and innovative software. I had the opportunity to run my own cables and install local area networks. I trained personnel on our innovative software. I worked on the help desk for the products and services we provided. I also worked in the commercial world as a senior programmer/analyst consultant in a C++/Oracle shop in the telecommunications world. I have done it all in a short amount of time.
Then, education came calling. I was working on my Master\’s degree in Electrical Engineering at George Mason University when a professor from the local community college asked if I could teach a computer repair class. I looked at him like he was nuts but he convinced me to try it for a semester and the rest is history. I was hired by Computer Learning Center as an Electronics instructor and transitioned to launching a new client/server programming curriculum. I taught everything from programming to networking classes. I also learned how to set up and manage all the computers and networks in our classrooms. Once I earned my MS I moved over to the community college where I became program head in the IT department where we raised over 2 million dollars in grants to fund our labs and learning research.

The grant funds convinced me to do my doctorate in Educational Technology from Pepperdine University where I learned leadership, learning theory, curriculum development, education technology, and other key skills to round out my technical knowledge. By mixing both my engineering background and educational technology background, I have a unique set of experiences that I will share with you.
I began my journey over 40 years ago and I want to give back what I have learned along the way. If I can help at least one or more of you get to where you want to go, my goals have been accomplished.
The world is changing. What are you going to do to keep up? What do you need to know to be able to stay up to date? What does the future look like? I am convinced that a strong foundation in the foundational concepts in technology will allow you to navigate the rough waters that lie ahead. The careers of today will not be the same as the careers of tomorrow. I am here to help coach and guide you to calm the storms of change that are always upon us and teach you how to navigate these rough waters through continuous learning. Learning to learn is a key skill to have in your toolbox today. If you want to survive in this highly technological world, you cannot live without it.
The goals of this site are to share, coach, guide, and teach the knowledge, skills, and experience of all aspects of the cyber world with you.

I want to help you learn the foundational and advanced skills needed to be successful in this always-changing high-tech environment. I want to help you get to the next level in life, whatever that is for you. The cyber-world is getting more and more complex. Everyone is different and I am not here to create cookie-cutter apprentices. You need to find your passion in this world and go after it. I am here to help you figure that out.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.